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 Director of General Education
General Education Department
Jagathi, Thiruvananthapuram

Office Tel :0471-2325106 / 2324601
Fax : 0471-2324605
email: This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it


                            Organisational Structure of the Department

     The Director of General Education(formerly Director of Public Instruction) is the Head of the Department. The Director is also the Commissioner for Government Examinations in the state. He is assisted by Additional Directors, Joint Directors, Senior Administrative Officer, Senior Finance Officer, Law Officer, Accounts Officers, Deputy Directors, Assistant Directors and other staff in the headquarters. The Joint commissioner, the Secretary and other staff, located in the Pareekshabhaven, assist him in various Government Examinations conducted by the Department.

        For administrative convenience and improving the efficiency in school education, district offices are functioning in the 14 revenue districts of the state headed by Deputy Directors of Education. Each revenue district is divided into Educational Districts and further into Educational Sub-Districts There are 41 Educational Districts and 162 Educational sub-districts in the State. Each District Educational Office is headed by District Educational Officer (DEO) and each Educational Sub-District Office is headed by Assistant Educational Officer (AEO). The DEO attends the administration of High Schools, Training Schools and other special types of schools in the Educational District. The AEO is primarily responsible for the administration of all primary schools within the Sub-District.

      The Department plays an eminent role in the physical and mental development of all pupils studying in schools. There has been tremendous growth in educational facilities at all levels of education in the state during the last 50 years. The private and public sectors together played significant role in attaining the present level and their contribution to the field are remarkable.


Last Updated on Monday, 30 December 2019 15:14

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