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Kerala stands miles ahead among the other states in social indicators like literacy rate, higher enrolment of students, higher percentage of girl, SC and ST students in schools,- schools and colleges even in remotest regions- low dropout rate among students etc. The State Government is committed in providing good quality infrastructure and hygienic environment in schools and the State’s achievement in social development and quality of life are, no doubt, inspiring and encouraging. The Department plays an eminent role in the physical and mental development of all pupils studying in schools. There has been tremendous growth in educational facilities at all levels of education in the state during the last 50 years. The private and public sectors together played significant role in attaining the present level and their contribution to the field are remarkable.

Organisational Structure of the General Education Department

The Secretary, General Education is the Head of the Department and he is assisted by three Directors; Director of Public Instruction, Director – Higher Secondary Education and Director- Vocational Higher Secondary Education.

Directorate of Public Instructions (DPI)

The Directorate of Public Instruction is headed by its Director, who is also the Commissioner for Government Examinations in the State. 14 Deputy Directors oversees the operations in each of the revenue districts. Under them there are 41 District Educational Officers supervising each of the 41 Educational Districts. For administrative convenience and improving the efficiency in school education, the Educational districts are further categorised as 163 Educational Sub districts, each headed by an Assistant Educational Officer (AEO).

Directorate of Higher Secondary Education (DHSE)

The Directorate of Higher Secondary Education (DHSE) oversees the educational process of the Higher Secondary section ie Plus One and Plus Two. The Directorate is headed by Director, DHSE who is supported by Joint Directors and Regional Deputy Directors.


Directorate of Vocational Higher Secondary Education ( DVHSE)

The Directorate of Vocational Higher Secondary Education (DHSE) oversees the different vocational trainings for students who complete their 10th Standard. The Director- VHSE heads the operations of the department, who is supported by Deputy Directors and Regional Officers. ( )

State Institute of Educational Management and Training (SIEMAT)

SIEMAT- Kerala functions as a centre for excellence in educational planning and administration setup to undertake, aid, promote and co-ordinate researches in various aspects of educational planning, management and administration. SIEMAT is headed by its Director. ( )

State Council of Educational Research and Training (SCERT)

SCERT is an autonomous body of the Education Department entrusted with planning, implementation and evaluation of all academic programmes from pre-school to higher secondary levels. Headed by its Director, SCERT has 6 main departments within. ( )

State Institute of Educational Technology (SIET)

SIET is responsible for the planning, research, production and evaluation of educational software like video, audio programmes and computer multimedia. The Director heads the institution. (

KITE(Kerala Infrastructure and Technology for Education

KITE, formerly IT@School Project, was formed in 2001-02 to fuel ICT enabled education in the schools in the State. IT@School was transformed in to KITE in August 2017.

KITE is the first SPV (Special Purpose Vehicle) Company of the Education Department of the State. KITE also became the first SPV to get funded by Kerala Infrastructure And Investment Fund Board (KIIFB), the apex body for monitoring all the projects envisaged by the Govt. The hitherto scope of General Education Sector has now been extended further with KITE being positioned to fuel ICT support to Higher Education sector also including Arts & Science, Engineering colleges and Universities.

IT@School was formed in 2001, as a Project under General Education Department, to inculcate IT activities in Higher School sections in the State. The first breakthrough of IT@School came in 2005 when Information Technology was made a compulsory subject in Std 10. The launch of EDUSAT operations and broadband connectivity to schools commenced since then, the VICTERS channel operated by IT@School was the first Complete Educational Channel in the Country. By effectively making use of the Centrally sponsored ‘ICT at School ‘scheme, IT@School provided ICT infrastructure to 4071 schools during 2007- 2012. In 2016, IT@School re-initiated the ICT intervention in Lower Primary and Upper Primary sections, by launching exclusive ICT Textbooks viz; Kalipetti and e@Vidya. As many as 1.50 Lakh teachers from Std 1 to 12 has been empowered with ICT skills, enabling them to transact their subjects more effectively using ICT tools.

IT@School amply supplemented the State Government’s Public Education Rejuvenation Mission with initiatives such as Samagra Content Portal, Sampoorna School Management software and SchoolWiki which connects 15,000 schools for collaborative content development process. A major recent highlight of IT@School was the ‘Hi School Kuttikootam’ programme under which over 1 lakh students are being provided specialized trainings in 5 different areas such as Animation, Cyber Safety, Hardware, Electronics and Malayalam computing. Through the transformation to a full-fledged Company under the Government, KITE has now more scope and authority for implementing various ICT programmes, when compared to the earlier Project mode of operation. KITE has already started the implementation of Hi-Tech school programme of the Education Department, by which 45000 classrooms in 4775 schools are being made Hi-Tech, for which KIIFB has already approved a funding of Rs.493.50 Crores.

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Pareeksha Bhavan

Pareeksha Bhavan is the autonomous institution of the Department responsible for undertaking examinations of the education department and Government including, SSLC, THSSLC, KGTE, Scholarship exams etc. The Secretary heads the institution. (

District Institute of Education and Training (DIET)

DIET oversees the function of planning, research and implementation of educational programmes in the State. There are 14 DIETs throughout the State, one each in every revenue district.

Rashtriya Madhyamik Shiksha Abhiyaan (RMSA)

RMSA is scheme setup for universalisation of access to and improvement of quality at the Secondary and Higher Secondary Stage. RMSA is headed by the State Project Director, who is assiated by 14 Regional Directors who handle each of the District Offices.

Kerala Mahila Samakya Society

The Mahila Samakhya programme was initiated in 1987-1989 to translate the goals of National policy on Education and Empowerment of women in rural areas, particularly of women from socially and economically marginalised groups. The MS programme covers 11 states including Kerala. The State Programme Director heads the operations of the society.


Kerala State Literacy Mission

The Kerala State Literacy Mission was setup with the objective of retention of literacy skills and provision of opportunities to the neo-literates to take their learning beyond basic literacy. The Director is the head of the institution. (




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